Toxteth Michael

no photo
Sex: male
Colour: tricolor
Born: 24.11.1987
Kennel: Toxteth
kennel: Toxteth
Country: United Kingdom


generations: 4 | 5 | 6
colours in pedigree:
COI 15.91% AVK 64.52% American lines 6.25% (5 gen.)
Peterblue Crispin Foxearth Winnings The Games at Bothways Foxearth Gold Fever Chicnoir Midnight Sultan Crossfell’s Sea Tandem
Dancerwood Diamond Lil
Astrellita Love Affair Dancerwood Court Jester
Dancerwood Dellaware from Crossfell
Foxearth Jubilate at Mallicot Blue Heritage at Hughley Kelbonnie Goliath O’Darjoro
Kelbonnie Chan El Gina
Jalonda’s Jacanapes Peterblue Nigel
Jalonda’s Cerinda Caramia
Peterblue Robyn Ingledene Inca Jalonda’s Bryony of Ingledene Gatebeck Knight in Armour
Jalonda’s Marie Theresa
Ingledene Black Silk (rough collie) Pattingham Premonition of Ingledene
Leawyn Annabelle of Ingledene
Peterblue Hannah Peterblue Nigel Peterblue Leader
Peterblue Catriona
Emily Jane from Peterblue Jalonda’s Blue Apollo
Cotsbelle Satinella
Peterblue Letitia At Wendardebs Peterblue King O’ The Blues Peterblue Hughy Peterblue Nigel Peterblue Leader
Peterblue Catriona
Emily Jane from Peterblue Jalonda’s Blue Apollo
Cotsbelle Satinella
Peterblue Genevieve Wingbelle Blue Gem Peterblue Evan
Cotsbelle Lilyblue
Peterblue Thomasina Peterblue Evelyn
Peterblue Phefimint
Peterblue Robyn Ingledene Inca Jalonda’s Bryony of Ingledene Gatebeck Knight in Armour
Jalonda’s Marie Theresa
Ingledene Black Silk (rough collie) Pattingham Premonition of Ingledene
Leawyn Annabelle of Ingledene
Peterblue Hannah Peterblue Nigel Peterblue Leader
Peterblue Catriona
Emily Jane from Peterblue Jalonda’s Blue Apollo
Cotsbelle Satinella
Virtual pedigree with female: