Show result of Boogie Fever von den Borkenbergen

48 show results in database | back to profile
(this results are taken from shows in section Show results)
Date Show Judge Class Result
06.07.2024 Club Show Nijmegen (NL) Hanah Wilder (UK) Champion Excellent 3
19.05.2024 CACIB Gorinchem (NL) Bianca van den Berg (NL) Champion Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
12.05.2024 CAC Goes (NL) Catherine Rooney (IE) Champion Excellent 1, R.CAC
09.05.2024 Special Show Arnhem (NL) Ineke Bouwer (NL) Champion Excellent 2
07.10.2023 Wallonia Dog Show Mons (BE) Cathy Delmar (IE) Champion Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Wallonia Winner, BOS
17.09.2023 CACIB Maastricht (NL) Gerard Jipping (NL) Champion Excellent 2
16.09.2023 CACIB Maastricht (NL) Bianca van den Berg (NL) Champion Excellent 2
03.09.2023 CAC Genk (BE) Bart Vandaele (BE) Champion Excellent 1, R.CAC
24.08.2023 World Dog Show Genève (CH) Claus-Peter Fricke (DE) Champion Excellent
13.08.2023 Special Show Bad Soden (DE) Aleksandra Lubaszka (PL) Champion Excellent 1, CAC
06.08.2023 CACIB Oldenburg (DE) Monika Rasche (DE) Champion Excellent 1, R.CAC, R.CACIB
05.08.2023 CACIB Oldenburg (DE) Erika Heintz (DE) Champion Excellent 1, CAC, R.CACIB
29.07.2023 German Winner Gelsenkirchen (DE) Harald Steinmetz (DE) Champion Excellent 2, R.CAC
09.07.2023 Club Show Nijmegen (NL) Loes Mouchart (NL) Champion Excellent 1
14.05.2023 VDH-Europasieger Dortmund (DE) Kerstin Selle (DE) Open Excellent 1, CAC
12.05.2023 Frühjahrssieger Dortmund (DE) Monika Rasche (DE) Open Excellent 1, CAC
22.01.2023 Westfalen Winner Verl-Kaunitz (DE) Janine Böhi-Wenger (CH) Champion Excellent 2, R.CAC
11.12.2022 CACIB Kassel (DE) Richard Kinsey (UK) Champion Excellent 1, CAC
10.12.2022 CACIB Kassel (DE) Guido Schäfer (DE) Champion Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
25.11.2022 Fryslan Cup Leeuwarden (NL) Roel van Veen-Keur (NL) Champion Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best Female, BOS
05.11.2022 CACIB Bleiswijk (NL) Jos Dekker (NL) Champion Very Good 1
29.10.2022 Lovanium Trofee Leuven (BE) Luis Pinto Teixeira (PT) Champion Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
16.10.2022 Bundessieger Dortmund (DE) Claus-Peter Fricke (DE) Intermediate Excellent 1, CAC, R.CACIB
14.10.2022 Herbstsieger Dortmund (DE) Angelika Kammerscheid-Lammers (DE) Intermediate Excellent 1, CAC,R.CACIB
02.10.2022 Wallonia Dog Show Mons (BE) Peter Friedrich Berchtold (AT) Intermediate Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best Female, BOS
18.09.2022 Club Show Weiswampach (LU) Guy Kips (LU) Intermediate Excellent 1, CAC, BOB
10.09.2022 CACIB Genk (BE) Norman Deschuymere (BE) Intermediate Excellent 1, R.CAC, R.CACIB
04.09.2022 CACIB Luxembourg (LU) Rob Douma (NL) Intermediate Very Good 1
03.09.2022 CACIB Luxembourg (LU) Anna Albrigo (IT) Intermediate Excellent 1, CAC
20.08.2022 Sint Rombouts Trophy Mechelen (BE) Anna Albrigo (IT) Intermediate Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
07.08.2022 CACIB Oldenburg (DE) Regina Blessing (DE) Intermediate Excellent 1, CAC, R.CACIB
24.07.2022 Golden Dog Trophy Liege (BE) Jos de Cuyper (BE) Intermediate Excellent 1
23.07.2022 Golden Dog Trophy Liege (BE) Anna Kochan (PL) Intermediate Excellent 2
17.07.2022 CAC Dormagen (DE) Ursula Langer (DE) Intermediate Excellent 1, CAC
10.07.2022 German Winner Neuss (DE) András Korózs (HU) Junior Excellent 2, R.CAC-J
09.07.2022 Neuss Winner Neuss (DE) Monika Rasche (DE) Intermediate Excellent 2, R.CAC
05.06.2022 Pinkstershow Gorinchem (NL) Horst Kliebenstein (DE) Junior Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
04.06.2022 Holland Cup Gorinchem (NL) Mark Wibier (NL) Junior Excellent 1, Holland Cup Junior Winner
28.05.2022 Europasieger Dortmund (DE) Mark Wibier (NL) Junior Excellent 1, CAC-J, VDH-Europajugendsieger, Best Junior
26.05.2022 Joe Kat Show Arnhem (NL) Marion ten Cate (NL) Junior Excellent 1, R.CAC
15.05.2022 CACIB Lingen (DE) Erika Heintz (DE) Junior Excellent 1, CAC-J
08.05.2022 CACIB Erfurt (DE) Regina Blessing (DE) Junior Excellent 1, CAC-J, Best Junior, BOS
07.05.2022 CACIB Erfurt (DE) Milan Krinke (CZ) Junior Very Good 1
24.04.2022 Special Show Kiel (DE) Evelyn Stotuth (DE) Junior Excellent 2, R.CAC-J
27.02.2022 Special Show Buchholz (DE) Evelyn Stotuth (DE) Junior Excellent 3
23.01.2022 Special Show Verl-Kaunitz (DE) Evelyn Stotuth (DE) Junior Excellent 2, R.CAC-J
24.10.2021 Bundessieger Gelsenkirchen (DE) Erika Heintz (DE) Puppy Very Promising 1
05.09.2021 Club Show Marienfeld (DE) Sarah Boyd (DE) Puppy Very Promising 1, Best Baby