Show result of Maroona’s Arwyn

21 show results in database | back to profile
(this results are taken from shows in section Show results)
Date Show Judge Class Result
23.06.2024 CACIB Aarau (CH) Hans Ulrich Häberli (CH) Champion Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
22.06.2024 CACIB Aarau (CH) Martin König (CH) Champion Excellent 1, CAC, R.CACIB
17.09.2023 CACIB Maastricht (NL) Gerard Jipping (NL) Champion Excellent 1
16.09.2023 CACIB Maastricht (NL) Bianca van den Berg (NL) Champion Excellent 1, R.CAC, R.CACIB
24.08.2023 World Dog Show Genève (CH) Claus-Peter Fricke (DE) Open Excellent 3
23.08.2023 Grand Prix de Genève Geneva (CH) Péter Harsányi (HU) Open Excellent 2, R.CAC
20.08.2023 CACIB Ludwigshafen (DE) Ursula Langer (DE) Champion Excellent 2, R.CAC
24.06.2023 CACIB Aarau (CH) Pedro Sanches Delerue (PT) Champion Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
24.06.2023 CAC Aarau (CH) Bo Skalin (SE) Champion Excellent 1, CAC, Best Adult Female, BOB
07.05.2023 CACIB Gent (BE) Theo Leenen (BE) Open Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best Female, BOS
06.05.2023 CACIB Gent (BE) Uwe Nölke (DE) Open Excellent 1, R.CAC, R.CACIB
13.11.2022 CACIB Karlsruhe (DE) Heike Bilsheim (DE) Open Excellent 1, CAC, R.CACIB
23.10.2022 Club Show Schinznach (CH) Valeska Müller (CH), Corina Hess (CH) Champion Excellent 1, CAC, Best Adult Female, BOS
28.08.2022 CACIB Luzern (CH) Tony Rainey (IE) Intermediate Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
18.06.2022 CAC Aarau (CH) Lisbeth Mach (CH) Intermediate Excellent 1, CAC
18.06.2022 Alpen Winner Aarau (CH) Eytan Hendel (IL) Intermediate Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Alpen Winner, BOB
29.05.2022 Lemanic Collie Show Montricher (CH) Michaela Rukopf (DE) Intermediate Excellent 1, CAC, Best CAC Female
19.11.2021 CACIB Geneva (CH) Barbara Müller (CH) Junior Excellent 1, CAC-J, Best Junior, BOS
19.11.2021 CAC Geneva (CH) Maria-Luise Doppelreiter (AT) Junior Excellent 1, CAC-J, Best Junior, BOS
10.10.2021 CACIB Fehraltorf (CH) Peter Machetanz (DE) Puppy Very Promising 1, Best Puppy
29.08.2021 CACIB Fehraltorf (CH) Claus-Peter Fricke (DE) Puppy Very Promising 1, Best Puppy