Sennasiv Fritz        "Faro"

Sennasiv Fritz Sennasiv Fritz
Sex: male
Colour: sable
Born: 05.04.2023
Reg. nr.: NO38088/23
  • Eyes clear (7 weeks - 26.05.2023)
  • HD A
  • ED 0
  • DM N/N (by parentage)
Kennel: Sennasiv
kennel: Sennasiv
Country: Norway
Country: Norway


generations: 4 | 5 | 6
colours in pedigree:
COI 1.44% AVK 90.32% American lines 12.5% (5 gen.)
Windswept Height’s Imperium Strikes Back Clingstone’s Make The Point Bell Pepper’s Ghost Buster Bell Pepper’s Datapen Calibra’s Black Bogieman
Greengrove Venice Showgirl
Ecstasy Krásná Louka Being a Dream Alkami
Celine vom Ihlpol
Shulune Imperial Fabergé Foxearth High Frequency Foxearth Smooth Finish
Foxearth Antoc Firelight
Shulune Lady of Lorien Foxearth High Falutin
Chicnoir Elusive Dream At Shulune
Cinnaberry’s Zephyr Windstorm of Netiv HaAyit Wild Wind’s Free Fallin Hawk’s Nests Tymless Journey
Wild Wind’s Magic Carpet Ride
Ability’s Kate of Ohadi Belfair Blue Cadillac
Ohadi Grace Under Fire
Mighty’s Spring Meadow Geyser Garden Zenith of Fame Fantazija Sandcastle’s Truth Or Dare
Me Myself Fantazija
Shulune Imperial Signature Moon Walker from Misstoff
Shulune Lady of Lorien
Torrosly’s Bell-A-Mi Törnskogens Boss In Motion Clingstone’s Guinness Draught Foxearth High Frequency Foxearth Smooth Finish
Foxearth Antoc Firelight
Clingstone’s Needless To Say Bell Pepper’s Datapen
Sandcastle’s Sweet Valentine
Dandinas Quite A Girl Dandinas Top Trick Sandcastle’s Truth Or Dare
Dandinas Candy Can
Dandinas Dreams’N Wishes Dandinas Just A Cowboy
Dalimattas My Sweet Lady
Smooth Yellow Pearl of Torrosly Gallant Bryce Star Markylla’s Stardust Timonan Jonny Joker
Elke vom Ihlpol
Markylla’s Maya Little Star Markylla’s Magic Star Performer
Turella’s New Years Eve
Smooth Viva Tingeling of Torrosly Early Mornings Idol Gemdales Dusty Duke
Folias Zilke
Smooth Queenlike Image of Torrosly Raynoor Wait A Tick
Smooth Mystery Minx of Torrosly
Virtual pedigree with female: