CACIB Bratislava (SK) 27.10.2019
12 entries
judge: Janusz Opara (PL)
judge: Janusz Opara (PL)
Junior Class - Males (2)
Excellent 1, CAJC, BOS
- Lugh Little Prince Smart Love
*20.06.2018, tricolor
(Kamikaze Limited Edition Smooth Drinks x Batavia Daff Fun dog)
breeder: Teresa Forkiewicz-Sobína (PL) owner: Barbora Tůmová (CZ)

(Kamikaze Limited Edition Smooth Drinks x Batavia Daff Fun dog)
breeder: Teresa Forkiewicz-Sobína (PL) owner: Barbora Tůmová (CZ)
Excellent 2
- Louis Fat Boy Smart Love
*20.06.2018, blue-merle
(Kamikaze Limited Edition Smooth Drinks x Batavia Daff Fun dog)
breeder: Teresa Forkiewicz-Sobína (PL) owner: Agnieszka Pełka (PL)

(Kamikaze Limited Edition Smooth Drinks x Batavia Daff Fun dog)
breeder: Teresa Forkiewicz-Sobína (PL) owner: Agnieszka Pełka (PL)
Intermediate Class - Males (2)
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
- Eukleidés In-Sitú
*13.11.2017, tricolor
(Elixír lásky Leneli x Carmen In-Sitú)
breeder: Tereza Kmoníčková (CZ) owner: Naďa Lundáková (CZ)

(Elixír lásky Leneli x Carmen In-Sitú)
breeder: Tereza Kmoníčková (CZ) owner: Naďa Lundáková (CZ)
Excellent 2, R.CAC
- Mighty’s Spring Meadow Roy Rory
*29.05.2018, sable
(Natalain Keystone x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Hope of Nadine)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Daniela Bacigálová (SK)

(Natalain Keystone x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Hope of Nadine)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Daniela Bacigálová (SK)
Open Class - Males (1)
Excellent 1, CAC, R.CACIB
- Bjorn Louie Martheline
*13.06.2018, blue-merle
(Breckamore By Design x Aubree Martheline)
breeder: Kamila & Miroslav Davídek (CZ) + Klára Cvachovcová (CZ) owner: Andrea Procházková (CZ)

(Breckamore By Design x Aubree Martheline)
breeder: Kamila & Miroslav Davídek (CZ) + Klára Cvachovcová (CZ) owner: Andrea Procházková (CZ)
Champion Class - Males (1)
Excellent 1, CAC
- Mighty’s Spring Meadow Paz Pelleas
*14.06.2017, sable
(Cinnaberry’s All Or Nut-ting x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Hope of Nadine)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Branislav Škvarka (SK)

(Cinnaberry’s All Or Nut-ting x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Hope of Nadine)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Branislav Škvarka (SK)
Junior Class - Females (1)
Excellent 1, CAJC, Junior BOB, BOB
- Brassica Wide Park
*29.06.2018, tricolor
(Natalain Keystone x Tia Krásná Louka)
breeder: Jaroslav Bílý (CZ) owner: Jaroslav Bílý (CZ) + Pavlína Bílá (CZ)

(Natalain Keystone x Tia Krásná Louka)
breeder: Jaroslav Bílý (CZ) owner: Jaroslav Bílý (CZ) + Pavlína Bílá (CZ)
Intermediate Class - Females (2)
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
- Mighty’s Spring Meadow Rea Rianne
*29.05.2018, sable
(Natalain Keystone x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Hope of Nadine)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Jana Semianová (SK)

(Natalain Keystone x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Hope of Nadine)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Jana Semianová (SK)
Excellent 2, R.CAC
- Azulia Aisling Agam
*26.05.2018, blue-merle
(West Krásná Louka x Aimer le bleu Lago Benea)
breeder: Petra Horňáková (SK) owner: Dana Vitteková (SK)

(West Krásná Louka x Aimer le bleu Lago Benea)
breeder: Petra Horňáková (SK) owner: Dana Vitteková (SK)
Open Class - Females (2)
Excellent 1, CAC
- Breeze Bee Addition Celestial Glamour
*04.07.2018, tricolor
(Helios of Bohemia Balada x I Am of Bohemia Balada)
breeder: Marcela Váchová (CZ) owner: Marcela Váchová (CZ)

(Helios of Bohemia Balada x I Am of Bohemia Balada)
breeder: Marcela Váchová (CZ) owner: Marcela Váchová (CZ)
Excellent 2, R.CAC
- Minnie Mateja vom Palais Brinn
*02.10.2017, blue-merle
(Eyko of Bohemia Balada x Esra-Engeline vom Palais Brinn)
breeder: Judith Engel (DE) owner: Pavla Janatová (CZ)

(Eyko of Bohemia Balada x Esra-Engeline vom Palais Brinn)
breeder: Judith Engel (DE) owner: Pavla Janatová (CZ)
Champion Class - Females (1)
Excellent 1, CAC, R.CACIB
- Mighty’s Spring Meadow Pia Pixie
*14.06.2017, tricolor
(Cinnaberry’s All Or Nut-ting x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Hope of Nadine)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Peter Bohuš (SK)

(Cinnaberry’s All Or Nut-ting x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Hope of Nadine)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Peter Bohuš (SK)