Progeny of Beauty Dream Alkami

4 children from 1 litter | back to profile
*13.07.2006 litter details
kennel: Jezero Krudum - litter A
Being a Dream Alkami photo
Eyes CEA/PRA/Kat free (as puppy)
Eyes PRA & Kat positive (8 years, 11 months)
PRA-rcd2 non-carrier
† 11 years, 10 months
60 cm
2 litters
Beauty Dream Alkami photo
CZ Ch, CZ VetCh
1 litter
A-zanis Jezero Krudum photo
tricolor male
2x, CAC, 2x CAJC, national winner
61 cm
1 litter
A-zete Jezero Krudum photo
tricolor female
A-zigrid Jezero Krudum
tricolor male
A-zintis Jezero Krudum
tricolor female