Show result of Jekkupatterin Piña Colada

16 show results in database | back to profile
(this results are taken from shows in section Show results)
Date Show Judge Class Result
19.08.2023 CACIB Mladá Boleslav (CZ) Václava Rybárová (CZ) Champion Excellent 2, R.CAC, R.CACIB
13.08.2023 CACIB Sopot (PL) Beata Petkeviča (LV) Open Excellent 1, CWC, CACIB, Winner of Poland, BOB
12.08.2023 CACIB Sopot (PL) Gerard Cox (IE) Open Excellent 1, CWC, CACIB, Best Adult Female, BOB
09.07.2023 Norwegian Jubilee Show Sandefjord (NO) Johan Andersson (SE) Open Excellent 1, CQ, Best Female 2, CACIB
08.07.2023 Nordic Winner Sandefjord (NO) Eva Eriksson (SE) Open Excellent 1, CQ, Best Female 1, CAC, Nord-CAC, Nordic Winner, BOB
07.07.2023 Norwegian Winner Sandefjord (NO) Simon Rooney (IE) Open Excellent 1, CQ, Best Female 2, CAC, R.CACIB
29.05.2023 CACIB Gorinchem (NL) Jos Dekker (NL) Open Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
21.05.2023 Agria Winner Herning (DK) Maritha Östlund-Holmsten (SE) Open Excellent 1, CQ, Best Female 4
20.05.2023 European Dog Show Herning (DK) Helen Tonkson-Koit (EE) Open Excellent 1, CQ, Best Female 4, R.CACIB
09.04.2023 CACIB Malmo (SE) Karin Hedlund (SE) Open Excellent 1, CQ, Best Female 1, CACIB, BOB
06.01.2023 National Show Göteborg (SE) Knut Sigurd Wilberg (NO) Open Excellent 1, CQ, Best Female 1, BOB
30.04.2022 Club show II Nyborg (DK) Beata Petkeviča (LV) Junior Excellent 1, CQ, Best Female 1, JCAC, CAC, BOB
30.04.2022 Club show I Nyborg (DK) Thomas Wall (IE) Junior Excellent 1, CQ, Best Female 1, JCAC, CAC, BOB
14.11.2021 Danish Winner Herning (DK) Annette Bystrup (DK) Puppy Very Promising 1, BOB puppy
13.11.2021 Nordic Winner Herning (DK) Ozan Belkis (TR) Puppy Very Promising 1, BOB puppy
12.11.2021 CACIB Herning (DK) Barbara Müller (CH) Puppy Very Promising 1, BOB puppy