Litter B - Skalský vrch

Born: 05.06.2021
Name of litter: B
Count of puppies: 9 (all dogs in database)

Father: Dantés vom Feueropal
Mother: Bonnie Aneliso
Kennel: Skalský vrch
kennel: Skalský vrch
Country: Czech republic

Dogs from this litter

Bailey Skalský vrch

Bailey Skalský vrch

tricolor female
Reg. nr.: CMKU/CK/1884/21
  • Eyes clear (as puppy)
  • CEA non-carrier (by parentage)
  • PRA-rcd2 non-carrier (by parentage)
  • MDR1 +/-
  • DM N/N (by parentage)
pure for smooth (by parentage)
Country: Czech republic

Bakari Skalský vrch

Bakari Skalský vrch

tricolor male
Reg. nr.: CMKU/CK/1881/21
Shows & titles
Show results in Database (30)
  • Eyes clear (as puppy)
  • CEA non-carrier (by parentage)
  • PRA-rcd2 non-carrier (by parentage)
  • MDR1 +/+
  • DM N/N (by parentage)
pure for smooth (by parentage)
Available for stud
father of 1 litter
Country: Czech republic

no photo

Barney Skalský vrch

tricolor male
Reg. nr.: CMKU/CK/1882/21
  • Eyes clear (as puppy)
  • CEA non-carrier (by parentage)
  • PRA-rcd2 non-carrier (by parentage)
  • MDR1 +/-
  • DM N/N (by parentage)
pure for smooth (by parentage)

Bastien Skalský vrch

Bastien Skalský vrch

tricolor male
Reg. nr.: CMKU/CK/1883/21
  • Eyes clear (as puppy)
  • CEA non-carrier (by parentage)
  • PRA-rcd2 non-carrier (by parentage)
  • MDR1 +/+ (Tilia)
  • DM N/N (by parentage)
pure for smooth (by parentage)
Country: Austria

Belanny Skalský vrch

Belanny Skalský vrch

tricolor female
Reg. nr.: CMKU/CK/1885/21
Shows & titles
Show results in Database (17)
  • Eyes clear (as puppy)
  • CEA non-carrier (by parentage)
  • PRA-rcd2 non-carrier (by parentage)
  • MDR1 +/+
  • DM N/N (by parentage)
pure for smooth (by parentage)
mother of 1 litter
kennel: Skalský vrch
Country: Czech republic

no photo

Bonnie Skalský vrch

tricolor female
Reg. nr.: CMKU/CK/1886/21
  • Eyes clear (as puppy)
  • CEA non-carrier (by parentage)
  • PRA-rcd2 non-carrier (by parentage)
  • MDR1 +/+
  • DM N/N (by parentage)
pure for smooth (by parentage)

Briana Skalský vrch

Briana Skalský vrch

tricolor female
Reg. nr.: CMKU/CK/1887/21
Shows & titles
Show results in Database (2)
Obedience: ZZO
  • Eyes clear (as puppy)
  • CEA non-carrier (by parentage)
  • PRA-rcd2 non-carrier (by parentage)
  • MDR1 +/-
  • DM N/N (by parentage)
pure for smooth (by parentage)
mother of 1 litter
kennel: Z Chovu Silvie
Country: Czech republic

no photo

Brixie Skalský vrch

tricolor female
Reg. nr.: CMKU/CK/1888/21
  • Eyes clear (as puppy)
  • CEA non-carrier (by parentage)
  • PRA-rcd2 non-carrier (by parentage)
  • MDR1 +/-
  • DM N/N (by parentage)
pure for smooth (by parentage)

no photo

Buffy Skalský vrch

tricolor female
Reg. nr.: CMKU/CK/1889/21
  • Eyes clear (as puppy)
  • CEA non-carrier (by parentage)
  • PRA-rcd2 non-carrier (by parentage)
  • MDR1 +/-
  • DM N/N (by parentage)
pure for smooth (by parentage)


Dantés vom Feueropal

Dantés vom Feueropal

tricolor male
Reg. nr.: VDH/ZBrH COK 1444, CMKU/CK/1090/-16/16
Shows & titles
Champion: IntCh, CZ GrandCh, MNE GrandCh, BALK Ch, MED Ch, MNE Ch, HR Ch, CZ Ch, SK Ch, PL Ch, HU Ch, BIH Ch, LT Ch, D Ch, SLO Ch, RO Ch, RS Ch, ČMKU Ch, CZ ClubCh, PL JCh
Other show titles: Slovakia Junior Winner 2017, 3x club winner (DE, 2x CZ), 2x special show winner (CZ, DE), 2x National winner, 8x CAC-J, 57x CAC, 27x CACIB, 4x R.CACIB, 57x Exc1, 8x BOJ, 27x BOB, 29x BOS, 2x BIS Junior, 2x R.BIS, 5x Best baby, 1x 3.BIS baby, 5.BIS baby, Double CAC German Winner Show Leipzig, Slovenia Winner, Podgorica Winner, Annual Trophy Winner Hannower 2018, Eurodogshow Kortrijk 2017 - Best male, Nationale d'Elevague - BOS, Crufts qualification 2019 & 2022
Show results in Database (47)
  • Eyes clear (as puppy)
  • HD A/A
  • CEA non-carrier (by parentage)
  • PRA-rcd2 non-carrier (by parentage)
  • MDR1 +/+ (by parentage)
  • DM N/N (by parentage)
  • CN (GCS) non-carrier
Height: 58 cm
pure for smooth (by parentage)
father of 4 litters
father of this litter in age 5 years, 3 months
Bonnie Aneliso

Bonnie Aneliso

tricolor female
Reg. nr.: CMKU/CK/1283/17
Shows & titles
Champion: CZ JCh
Other show titles: 2x BOJ, 1x BOB
Show results in Database (8)
  • Eyes clear (7 weeks - 14.08.2017)
  • HD A/A
  • ED 0/0
  • CEA non-carrier (by parentage)
  • PRA-rcd2 non-carrier (Vemodia)
  • MDR1 +/- (Vemodia)
  • DM N/N (by parentage)
Height: 58 cm
Teeth: scissors bite, fullteeth
pure for smooth
mother of 2 litters
mother of this litter in age 3 years, 11 months


generations: 4 | 5 | 6
colours in pedigree:
COI 1.49% AVK 87.3% American lines 14.06% (6 gen.)
Dantés vom Feueropal Brontés Bohemia Elenor Jack Mack’s Sgoilear Sàr Jack Mack’s Laidir Laochain Honey Melon Hartley Henry Dandinas Amazing Spirit
Finn-Beauty’s Gipsy Girl
Foxearth Moonlit Fantasy Fool’s Errand at Foxearth
Foxearth High Fidelity
Holiday Krásná Louka OneWay’s Miraculix Baubon’s Oklahoma Oliwer
OneWay’s For Your Eyes Only
Beauty Krásná Louka Markylla’s Magic Star Pretender
Celine vom Ihlpol
Artemis of Bohemia Balada Be My Lord "Nelson" of Flying Heartbreakers Dandinas Future Victory Sunsweet The Ringmaster
Dandinas Angel Lady
Collie’s of Sealand Zuy Zita Smooth Fairlines Spotted Blue Born
Collie’s of Sealand Number Seven Nice Nessica
Gaya Krásná Louka Cake Krásná Louka Enrico vom Ihlpol
Poulsgaards Born To Be Wild
Celine vom Ihlpol Hassan vom Ihlpol
Scandyline Cinja My Dream
Turella’s Magic In Your Eyes Turella’s Beachboy Turella’s Look At Me Snuggletooth Hayseed Hobo Snuggletooth Traper Travis
Snuggletooth Corn Dolly Mo
Turella’s Give Me The Moon Poulsgaards Double Diamond
Turella’s Camilla
Anabella Gold du Clos des Duchesses Foxearth High Falutin Foxearth Sandy Footprints
Foxearth Future Magic
Foxearth Flicker of Gold OneWay’s Skalle Per
Cownbred Hot ’N’ Spicy at Foxearth
Rainybank’s Summer Night Gold Hill’s The Peacekeeper (rough collie) McMaur’s The Eliminator McMaur’s The Challenger
McMaur’s Take A Chance On Me
Gold Hill’s Wing N A Prayer McMaur’s Blackjack
Sonic’s First Love
Stilvalley Black Dymond Belfair Black Bandit Blossom Hill Barely Bronze
Belfair Barely An Angel
Cinnabar’s Abbey of Camelot Gentry’s Captain of The Crew
Pembroke Hope of Cinnabar
Bonnie Aneliso Cù-chaorach Treun Soroli Natalain Diamond of Bila Kaifa Natalain River Dance Rowvale River Raider Fido Fax to Foxearth
Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale
Grazel Aquarelle for Natalain Helga Neitin Tsaari Timo
Natalain Normandia
Natalain New Hardy Dream Sandcastle’s Naked Gun Sunsweet San Fransisco
Goldbody’s Classy Coctail
Selbit Harmony Nataline Monogram’s Gentleman O’Quaemac
Selbit Tearose
Olive Krásná Louka Loriseum Abreu Sandcastle’s Oliwer Hardy Baubon’s Oklahoma Oliwer
Sandcastle’s Naked Truth
Timonan Noriann Noelani Honey Melon Hartley Henry
Timonan Kimmy Kidilee
Julie Krásná louka Markylla’s Stardust Timonan Jonny Joker
Elke vom Ihlpol
Beauty Krásná Louka Markylla’s Magic Star Pretender
Celine vom Ihlpol
Turella’s Shooting Star Jack Mack’s Reobhartan Jack Mack’s Laidir Laochain Honey Melon Hartley Henry Dandinas Amazing Spirit
Finn-Beauty’s Gipsy Girl
Foxearth Moonlit Fantasy Fool’s Errand at Foxearth
Foxearth High Fidelity
Jack Mack’s Billow Bubbles Snuggletooth Hayseed Hobo Snuggletooth Traper Travis
Snuggletooth Corn Dolly Mo
Foxearth Fire Opal Foxearth Fire Cracker
Foxearth Flippant
Turella’s Open My Heart Tinker van Shaka’s Royal Kraal Rico van Shaka’s Royal Kraal Balto van Shaka’s Royal Kraal
Pretty Donna van Shaka’s Royal Kraal
Mirza van Shaka’s Royal Kraal Dylan van Shaka’s Royal Kraal
Denali van Shaka’s Royal Kraal
Turella’s Petit Fleur Foxearth Finnish Emblem At Alopex Kangasvuokon Put Up The Pow-wow
Foxearth Eternal Flame
Turella’s Josephine OneWay’s Sex Crime
Foxearth Fire Imp