Sopivan Elastinen        "Flint"

Sopivan Elastinen
Sex: male
Colour: tricolor
Born: 24.10.2024
Reg. nr.: FI48052/24
rough factor (by parentage)
Kennel: Sopivan
kennel: Sopivan
Country: Finland
Country: Finland


generations: 4 | 5 | 6
colours in pedigree:
COI 0% AVK 97.17% American lines 4.69% (6 gen. - incompl.)
Leaf-Field’s Child In Time Dalimattas Born to be All Right Kangasvuokon Star Operation Markylla’s Magic Star Pretender Markylla’s Mythological Midas Sunsweet Smooth Operation
Collie’s of Sealand Darling Damira Smooth
Markylla’s Sweet Blue Mary-Lou Collie’s of Sealand Don Diabolo Smooth
Farthing’s First Blue Girl
Goldlady’s Fancy Blue Goldbody’s Blue Glitter OneWay’s Got To Be A Lover
Goldbody’s After Eight
Kangasvuokon Rose Garden Foxearth Future Legend
Karenclan’s Rosy Anemone
Honey Melon Vip Girl The Rocks Dalimattas Like To Fly Uneeda Watch Me Fly Tamaron’s Sure To Delight (rough collie)
Richeline Uneeda Double Dare
Dalimattas Smooth Showrose Cepu-Jesse’s Argos
Dalimattas Smooth As Silk
Dalimattas Black Melon Monogram’s Gentleman O’Quaemac Quaemac’s Face The Music
Futuremix Shadow
Vesimiehen Elisa Vesimiehen Lottovoitto
Vesimiehen Indeksi
Leaf-Field’s Salisbury (rough collie) Oceanbourn Guardian Of Islay (rough collie) Kangasvuokon Gordon (rough collie) Demelewis Dark Moon Driftin Over Corydon (rough collie) Aqualita Class Act With Corydon (rough collie)
Corydon Be A Madam At Demelewis (rough collie)
Kangasvuokon Arlanda ?
Oceanbourn Absolutely Fabulous ? ?
? ?
Leaf-Field’s Lady In Black (rough collie) Eros vom Bopparder Hamm ? ?
? ?
Leaf-Field’s Black Magic Woman ? ?
? ?
Brinkley the Happy from Sherborne Calippo van de Huszarstate Sweet Surrender Neelix Chambòn von dem Eisvogel Foxearth High Frequency Foxearth Smooth Finish
Foxearth Antoc Firelight
Sweet Surrender Hogmanay Crystal Dalimattas Black Bossanova
Mabinogion Indian Sunshine
Sweet Surrender Fearless Sunshine Timonan Jonny Joker Tanning Epsom
Timonan Fiery Fiona
Mabinogion Indian Sunshine Tanning Hattrick
Si-Si’s This Indian Summer
Mabinogion Lagertha Törnskogens Oscar De La Renta Turning Leaf’s Toad’s Wild Ride Fairlines Alias Mr Walker
Cinnaberry’s Hungry Heart
Dandinas Quite A Girl Dandinas Top Trick
Dandinas Dreams’N Wishes
Mabinogion Simralin Zap and It’s Done Fantazija Sandcastle’s Truth Or Dare
Me Myself Fantazija
Mabinogion Guineverre Pendragon Eddy vom Ihlpol
Mabinogion Angel Of Faith
Abira Zathara Brontés Bohemia Elenor Jack Mack’s Sgoilear Sàr Jack Mack’s Laidir Laochain Honey Melon Hartley Henry
Foxearth Moonlit Fantasy
Holiday Krásná Louka OneWay’s Miraculix
Beauty Krásná Louka
Artemis of Bohemia Balada Be My Lord "Nelson" of Flying Heartbreakers Dandinas Future Victory
Collie’s of Sealand Zuy Zita Smooth
Gaya Krásná Louka Cake Krásná Louka
Celine vom Ihlpol
Bharani Jantárová hviezda Loriseum Abreu Sandcastle’s Oliwer Hardy Baubon’s Oklahoma Oliwer
Sandcastle’s Naked Truth
Timonan Noriann Noelani Honey Melon Hartley Henry
Timonan Kimmy Kidilee
Andromeda Jantárová hviezda Bon a Vivre von dem Eisvogel Eddy vom Ihlpol
Turella’s Moonflower
Mighty’s Spring Meadow Amber Rise Magic Zlatý dážď
Wesayso Lucky Number Seven
Virtual pedigree with female: