Special Show Malý Lapáš (SK) 15.09.2017
10 entries
judge: István Székely (HU)
judge: István Székely (HU)
Junior Class - Males (1)
Excellent 1, CAJC, Special Show Junior Winner, Junior BOB
- West Krásná Louka
*27.06.2016, tricolor
(Natalain Keystone x Joyce Krásná Louka)
breeder: Michaela Ouředníková (CZ) owner: Oľga Nováková (SK)

(Natalain Keystone x Joyce Krásná Louka)
breeder: Michaela Ouředníková (CZ) owner: Oľga Nováková (SK)
Intermediate Class - Males (1)
Excellent 1, CAC
- Mighty’s Spring Meadow Mose Moesen
*14.05.2016, tricolor
(Cinnaberry’s All Or Nut-ting x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Hope of Nadine)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Peter Hrubý (SK)

(Cinnaberry’s All Or Nut-ting x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Hope of Nadine)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Peter Hrubý (SK)
Open Class - Males (1)
Excellent 1, CAC
- Dantés vom Feueropal
*28.02.2016, tricolor
(Brontés Bohemia Elenor x Turella’s Magic In Your Eyes)
breeder: Britta Freund (DE) owner: Renáta Novotná (CZ)

(Brontés Bohemia Elenor x Turella’s Magic In Your Eyes)
breeder: Britta Freund (DE) owner: Renáta Novotná (CZ)
Champion Class - Males (1)
Excellent 1, CAC, Special Show Winner, BOS
- Cinnaberry’s All Or Nut-ting
*11.08.2014, sable
(Clingstone’s Pillow Talk x Cinnaberry’s My Lucky Day)
breeder: Annemari Rehnfors (FI) owner: Jana Semianová (SK)

(Clingstone’s Pillow Talk x Cinnaberry’s My Lucky Day)
breeder: Annemari Rehnfors (FI) owner: Jana Semianová (SK)
Minor Puppy Class - Females (1)
Very Promising 1
- Mighty’s Spring Meadow Oya Oilell
*05.06.2017, tricolor
(Mighty’s Spring Meadow Io Ilario x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Linn Lowri)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Jana Semianová (SK)

(Mighty’s Spring Meadow Io Ilario x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Linn Lowri)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Jana Semianová (SK)
Intermediate Class - Females (1)
Excellent 1
- Aimer le bleu Lago Benea
*20.01.2016, blue-merle
(Helios of Bohemia Balada x Clingstone’s Pocahontas)
breeder: Jitka Gogolinová (CZ) owner: Petra Horňáková (SK)

(Helios of Bohemia Balada x Clingstone’s Pocahontas)
breeder: Jitka Gogolinová (CZ) owner: Petra Horňáková (SK)
Open Class - Females (2)
Excellent 1, CAC
- True Love Krásná Louka
*15.03.2014, sable
(Foxearth Frappuccino x Joyce Krásná Louka)
breeder: Michaela Ouředníková (CZ) owner: Júlia Suváková (SK)

(Foxearth Frappuccino x Joyce Krásná Louka)
breeder: Michaela Ouředníková (CZ) owner: Júlia Suváková (SK)
Excellent 2, R.CAC
- Abira Zathara
*05.06.2015, tricolor
(Brontés Bohemia Elenor x Bharani Jantárová hviezda)
breeder: Lucia Drietomská (SK) owner: Máté Stummer (HU) + Anita Kruzslicz (HU)

(Brontés Bohemia Elenor x Bharani Jantárová hviezda)
breeder: Lucia Drietomská (SK) owner: Máté Stummer (HU) + Anita Kruzslicz (HU)
Champion Class - Females (1)
Excellent 1, CAC, Special Show Winner, BOB
- Vanessa Krásná Louka
*15.05.2015, sable
(Natalain Diamond of Bila Kaifa x Octavia Krásná Louka)
breeder: Michaela Ouředníková (CZ) owner: Júlia Suváková (SK)

(Natalain Diamond of Bila Kaifa x Octavia Krásná Louka)
breeder: Michaela Ouředníková (CZ) owner: Júlia Suváková (SK)
Veteran Class - Females (1)
Excellent 1
- Cinnaberry’s Uptown Girl
*02.03.2007, blue-merle
(Helga Neitin Tsaari Timo x Cinnaberry’s Time Will Tell)
breeder: Annemari Rehnfors (FI) owner: Petra Horňáková (SK)

(Helga Neitin Tsaari Timo x Cinnaberry’s Time Will Tell)
breeder: Annemari Rehnfors (FI) owner: Petra Horňáková (SK)