CACIB Oberwart (AT) 17.07.2016
4 entries
judge: Iris Urschitz (AT)
judge: Iris Urschitz (AT)
Junior Class - Males (1)
Excellent 1, Jugendsieger
- Eetu of Sunny Pleasure
*08.02.2015, tricolor
(Gti Blue of Irish Home x Donna of Sunny Pleasure)
breeder: Sabine Postl-Schwarz (AT) owner: Rita Völkl (AT)

(Gti Blue of Irish Home x Donna of Sunny Pleasure)
breeder: Sabine Postl-Schwarz (AT) owner: Rita Völkl (AT)
Champion Class - Males (1)
Excellent 1, CACA, CACIB, BOS
- Cinnaberry’s All Or Nut-ting
*11.08.2014, sable
(Clingstone’s Pillow Talk x Cinnaberry’s My Lucky Day)
breeder: Annemari Rehnfors (FI) owner: Jana Semianová (SK)

(Clingstone’s Pillow Talk x Cinnaberry’s My Lucky Day)
breeder: Annemari Rehnfors (FI) owner: Jana Semianová (SK)
Junior Class - Females (1)
Excellent 1, Jugendsieger
- Elly of Sunny Pleasure
*08.02.2015, blue-merle
(Gti Blue of Irish Home x Donna of Sunny Pleasure)
breeder: Sabine Postl-Schwarz (AT) owner: ?

(Gti Blue of Irish Home x Donna of Sunny Pleasure)
breeder: Sabine Postl-Schwarz (AT) owner: ?
Champion Class - Females (1)
Excellent 1, CACA, CACIB, BOB
- Mighty’s Spring Meadow Linn Luned
*08.06.2014, sable
(Unique’s Diamond Super Bowl x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Hope of Nadine)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Lenka Štramberská (CZ)

(Unique’s Diamond Super Bowl x Mighty’s Spring Meadow Hope of Nadine)
breeder: Jana Semianová (SK) owner: Lenka Štramberská (CZ)