Show result of Lowland’s Mate As Good As It Gets

21 show results in database | back to profile
(this results are taken from shows in section Show results)
Date Show Judge Class Result
19.05.2019 CACIB Lyon (FR) Christian Karcher (FR) Open Excellent 1, CACS, CACIB, BOS
28.04.2019 Nationale d'Elevage Cérans-Foulletourte (FR) Brian Hawkins (UK) Champion Excellent 2
26.05.2018 Club Show Genk (BE) Stephen Clark (UK) Champion Excellent 3
18.02.2018 Special Show Luxembourg (LU) Michaela Rukopf (DE) Champion Very Good 2
09.12.2017 CAC Kassel (DE) Monika Rasche (DE) Champion Excellent 1, CAC
06.08.2017 Special Show Bottrop (DE) Martha Kips (LU) Champion Excellent 1, CAC
24.06.2017 Ambiorixtroffee Genk (BE) Petru Muntean (RO) Champion Excellent 2, R.CAC, R.CACIB
10.06.2017 CAC Lommel (BE) Boris Cavillac (FR) Champion Excellent 2, R.CAC
12.02.2017 Special Show Luxembourg (LU) István Székely (HU) Champion Excellent 2, R.CACL
30.10.2016 CACIB Hannover (DE) Monika Rasche (DE) Champion Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
26.08.2016 European Dog Show Brussels (BE) Vladimír Piskay (SK) Open Excellent 3
07.05.2016 CACIB Dortmund (DE) Peter Farrell (IE) Intermediate Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
06.05.2016 Europasieger Dortmund (DE) Josef Pohling (DE) Intermediate Excellent 1, CAC
13.03.2016 CACIB Offenburg (DE) Janine Böhi-Wenger (CH) Intermediate Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
06.12.2015 CACIB Kassel (DE) Kerstin Selle (DE) Intermediate Excellent 3
05.12.2015 CAC Kassel (DE) Michael Wirth (DE) Intermediate Excellent 2, R.CAC
23.08.2015 CACIB Mechelen (BE) Dermot Timmins (IE) Junior Excellent 1, Best Junior
01.08.2015 CACIB Bremen (DE) Michael Wirth (DE) Junior Excellent 1, CAC-J
12.07.2015 Lokerse Winner Lokerse (BE) Marianne Holm (FI) Junior Very Good 2
25.05.2015 CAC Saarbrücken (DE) Jo Schepers (NL) Junior Excellent 1, CAC-J, Sieger Saarbrücken
24.05.2015 CACIB Saarbrücken (DE) Rachel Dijkhorst-Noij (NL) Junior Excellent 2, R.CAC-J