Progeny of Cik Cak Leneli

1 children from 1 litter | back to profile
*22.08.2016 litter details
kennel: Kevins’s Lightdancers - litter C
Cik Cak Leneli photo
Eyes CEA/PRA/Kat free (as puppy)
CEA non-carrier
MDR1 +/-
CZ VetCh
CAC, Best Puppy
Agility: LA2
† 12 years
62 cm
1 litter
Phantom of Scotland Golden Wing Galina photo
Eyes CEA & MPP positive (6 weeks)
Eyes CEA & MPP positive (2 years, 8 months)
MDR1 +/-
D ClubJCh
3 litters
Kevins’s Lightdancers Cira
sable female