Progeny of Andastra Star of Scotland

7 children from 1 litter | back to profile
*08.09.2010 litter details
kennel: Star of Scotland - litter B
Angel Meadow’s Super Special photo
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
CEA non-carrier
MDR1 +/+
61 cm
scissors bite, fullteeth
rough factor
6 litters
Andastra Star of Scotland photo
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
1 litter
Bajischi Star of Scotland photo
sable male
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
Baki Star of Scotland photo
sable male
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
export Germany
Bakima Star of Scotland photo
sable female
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
Baldur Star of Scotland photo
sable male
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
Balena Star of Scotland photo
sable female
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
Barouk Star of Scotland photo
sable male
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
Baschiro-Basco Star of Scotland photo
sable male
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
† 9 years, 3 months (spindle cell sarcoma)