Progeny of Belfast Bila Kaífa

2 children from 1 litter | back to profile
*04.09.2010 litter details
kennel: AgaWil - litter T
Belfast Bila Kaífa photo
MDR1 -/-
IntCh, BUL GrandCh, BALK Ch, A Ch, CZ Ch, MNE Ch, UKR Ch, BUL Ch, SK Ch, A JCh
Best male - club show
60 cm
1 litter
Macarena Black Smooth Ko-To-Ra photo
PL Ch, PL JCh, PL VetCh
12 x BOB, 2 x CACIB, Middle and Eastern European Winner 2007, Poland Winner 2007, Junior Club Winner, 2.BIG, 3. BIS, 2x 1.BIS Veteran, 2x 2.BIS Veteran, 3.BIS Veteran, 4.BIS Veteran
† 14 years, 2 months
53 cm
4 litters
This Is James Bond AgaWil photo
tricolor male
This Is Lyra Belacqua AgaWil photo
sable female
export Italy