Progeny of Norfield English Rose

5 children from 1 litter | back to profile
*21.09.2008 litter details
kennel: Norfield
Freejack First Knight at Norfield photo
Eyes CEA/PRA free (as puppy)
Eyes clear (2 years, 6 months)
MDR1 +/-
JW, 2x R.CC
3 litters
Norfield English Rose photo
Best Puppy
1 litter
Norfield Country Rose
tricolor female
Norfield Knight Templar
tricolor male
Norfield Oh What A Knight photo
sable male
Best Puppy, Puppy Group 3
Norfield Scarlet Rose photo
sable female
Eyes CEA/PRA free (as puppy)
CEA carrier
MDR1 +/-
Res. Best Puppy in Show
1 litter
Norfield Silk Rose
sable female