Progeny of Plaisance Jessica La Belle

8 children from 2 litters | back to profile
*05.11.2017 litter details
kennel: Rylance
Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn photo
HD 4:2 (UK) = A (FCI)
CEA non-carrier
PRA-rcd2 non-carrier
MDR1 -/-
Best Puppy Dog
3 litters
Plaisance Jessica La Belle photo
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
CEA carrier
MDR1 +/-
2 litters
Rylance Just Willliam
tricolor male
*07.09.2018 litter details
kennel: Rylance
Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn photo
HD 4:2 (UK) = A (FCI)
CEA non-carrier
PRA-rcd2 non-carrier
MDR1 -/-
Best Puppy Dog
3 litters
Plaisance Jessica La Belle photo
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
CEA carrier
MDR1 +/-
2 litters
Rylance Blueberry Spirits
blue-merle male
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
Rylance Gracious Spirit
tricolor female
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
CEA non-carrier
PRA-rcd2 non-carrier
MDR1 -/-
1 litter
Rylance High Spirits photo
tricolor female
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
Rylance Master Spiritus photo
blue-merle male
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
Rylance Moonshine Over Brackenhaye photo
blue-merle male
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
CEA non-carrier
MDR1 -/-
DMS aabb - low risk
5x BPIB, 1x PPG4, 1x PPG1, 1x PG3
Rylance Spirit of Dionysus
tricolor male
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)
Rylance Spirit on Fire
tricolor male
Eyes CEA free (as puppy)